
Marsyas’s Turn (2020),4:30

for solo flute
premiered 30.04.2021, Hong Kong

Kaisa Kortelainen

Marsyas was a character from Greek Mythology known for his skill on the flute – and for his hubris to challenge Apollo to a musical duel. According to a common version of the myth, Apollo won the contest with his restrained strumming of the lyre, which the audience-judges deemed more pleasurable than Marsyas’s technical playing. As punishment, Marsyas was skinned alive.

Marsyas’s Turn was composed for Kaisa Kortelainen as part of Idols 2020, a 70 minute stage work collectively created by Dayjob Collective which examines relationships between each of its four performers and their craft. Virtuosity is among the topics deconstructed in this concert-performance/performance-concert.